Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Coordination, Mechanical Aptitude, Conscientiousness

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Introduction to human resource management: an introduction to human resource management (hrm, the value of research in hrm, legal issues in hrm. Policies, practices, and systems that influence employees" behaviour, attitudes and performance. High-performance work system: an organization in which technology, or organizational structure, people, and processes work together to give an organization an advantage in the competitive environment. For instance, developing an effective performance management system to ensure employees have required skills to do their jobs. For instance, explaining to top management about the competitive advantage that arises in hiring excellent employees. Training & development performance management compensation and rewards employee and labour relations. Ethics: the fundamental principles of right or wrong. Provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Treat employees and customers equitably and fairly. Collecting and using data to show that human resource practices have a positive influence on the company"s bottom line or key stakeholders.