Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Resource Management, Meta-Analysis, Discriminant Validity

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Bmos exam 1 notes: human resource management (hrm) > the practices, policies, and systems that influence employees" behaviours, attitudes, and performance. (systems in place that influence employee performance) They are human capital (their qualities add to their value to the company) People have an economical value (like factors of production) People are extremely crucial to the success of a company and strong human capital can provide large competitive advantage. Important to provide timely feedback, coaching, and reward employees to encourage continuous strong performance compensation and rewards > how to pay your employees (keeping them motivated). Some companies that give higher benefits than other organizations could attract the best employees employees and labour relations > relationship between employees and management. Strong relationship between employees and management is vital to success of the company. For organizations where employees have labour unions, there is extra responsibility for management and hr (hr responsible for settling any disputes)