Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Midterm: Midterm Exam Notes - Oct 8th

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Human resource management: the practices, policies and systems that influence employee"s behaviour, attitudes and performance. Hrm is also responsible for providing safe/healthy environments meeting legal requirements. The concept of human resources management implies that employees are resources of the employer. Human capital: an organization"s employers, described in terms of their training, experience, judgement, intelligence, relationships and insight. The employee characteristics that can add economic value to the organization. Comparative advantage: the company is better than competitors at something, and can hold that advantage over a sustained period of time. Valuable (much needed, can perform multiple services) Rare (high level skills are uncommon amongst colleagues) Cannot be imitated (find people that keep you on bar with competition) High performance work system: an organization in which technology, organizational structure, people, and processes all work together to give an organization an advantage in the competitive environment. Canadian council of hr associations are in charge of ethics and professional practices.