Microbiology and Immunology 3820A Midterm: Immunology Review for Midterm 1

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Document Summary

Bacteria causes more serious human infections globally. Microorganisms (pathogens) have an advantage bc they can replicate extremely quickly. Immune system decides if something is a threat. Internal i. e. cancer, autoimmune disease (i. e. type 1 diabetes) Although life expectancy has increased by ~20 years for each gender, infectious diseases still remain the leading cause of death worldwide. Hygiene techniques best way, vaccines, eating well, sleeping well, exercising. Endemic: expected baseline level of an infectious disease that is continuously present in a population at a rate that is expected. Epidemic: increase, often sudden, in number of new cases of a disease above what is normally expected (not always infectious diseases, i. e. diabetes) Donor blood is separated into plasma (55%) and cells (45%) Plasma replaces proteins (abs, clotting factors (i. e. to treat hemophilia) Blood cells are derived from hematopoietic stem cell. Can become rbcs, wbcs, or platelets: two developmental pathways for wbcs, myeloid progenitor phagocytes lymphoid progenitor cell lymphocytes.