Microbiology and Immunology 3300B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Germinal Center, Transforming Growth Factor Beta, Integrin

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Activat a t cell response to the right thing, but not the wrong thing. Generate the right kind of t effector cell for the job, know your options. Tissue resident or resident in secondary lymphatic tissue. Specialized for antien uptake they sample the environment: receptor mediated phagocytosis, macro pinocytosis, viral infection. The dendritic cell determines whether an immune response is solicited. Maturation through innate recognition of pathogens: downregulate phagoytosiss, but they upregulate migration ccr7, becomes migratory because it has to find a t cell. Maturation induced through innate recognition of pathogens: ccr7 is also what brings the t cell into th et cell zone, therefore increase ccr7 increases t cell zone of the lymph node. Occurs in the t cell zone of a secondary lymphoid tissue. Through interactions with a mature dendritic cell with long interactions. Dcs, macrophages and b cells: mhc class i and ii, costimulatory signal.