Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Immunoglobulin G, Affinity Maturation, Anaphylaxis

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Endemic- expected infectious disease continuously present in a population within a geographical area. Epidemic- (often a sudden) spread of a new disease within a geographical area. Pandemic- an epidemic spread over several countries or continents. Blood cells are derived from a hematopoietic stem cell located in bone marrow: rbc, wbc (leukocytes, platelets. Hematopoietic stem cell developed: myeloid progenitor cell phagocytes, lymphoid progenitor cell lymphocytes. Immunity is acquired from another individual via transfer of ab: natural- maternal ab [short-term, temporary, aritificial- ab from other sources. Innate immunity: first line of defense against pathogens. Different immune defenses are used against extracellular vs intracellular pathogens. Based on where a pathogen resides and/or replicates: extracellular- pathogen is outside host cell. All viruses have both phases, only some bacteria does. Phagocytes [destroys extracellular pathogens by phagocytosis: neutrophils, macrophages. Microbiology and immunology 2500a fall 2016 midterm 1 important concepts: nk cells. Cell membrane extends around microbe & internalizes it into a phagosome.