[1028A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (48 pages long!)

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Ling 1028 lecture 2: language in social contexts. Intensifier - if any (e. g. really: 10,000 sentences with adjectives were coded for, location of adj. in sentence, type of adj. (physical property, human characteristic, gender of the informant (where known, subculture. ** the adjective is in an attribute position. In theory, any speaker-characteristic could have linguistic consequences. In practice, research shows that several social factors are particularly important. 14. 4: chesterfield vs. couch (dependent on age) Lecture summary: variationist sociolinguistics, structured variation, variable, variant, linguistic factors/social factors, informant/consultant, sociolinguistic interview, data coding (ottawa intensifiers project) Ling 1028: week 2 dialectology geographical variation. If there isn"t a dependence on education, there won"t be much travel or considerable differences in the way people speak: the type of speech in rural areas remains quite the same. Note: the way we speak generally doesn"t change after the age of 12.