Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Geri Halliwell, The Seller, Breaking The Chain

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9 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Proper negotiation of contracts mistake and misrepresentation. [reasonably?] inducing claimant to enter contract: statement, of present fact, false, resulting in loss to the claimant, may be made fraudulently (tort of deceit), negligently (misrepresentation act 1967) or innocently. Spice girls ltd v. aprilia world service bv: an oral or written statement is acceptable (the former has an evidential difficulty). Not all statements are in words can be made symbolically (two-finger gesture: motorcycle manufacturer wanted the spice girls to be associated with their company and so made a deal with them. Haliwell left the group and aprilia disputed the contract claiming they were misled (though no terms of the contract were breached). The seller represented that the land together if worked by one team of men (team being an understood notion) could hold 2000 sheep. Seller had never farmed sheep on the land and the buyers were not sheep farmers (father and son and son had experience in australia with sheep farms).