Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lex Specialis, Soft Law, Peremptory Norm

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

States may not always express their opinion, preference for confidentiality ( but that makes it very difficult because you may see a practice developing and you may want to rely on it) Practice is not enough; it is practical but not legally binding; Icj anglo-norwegian fisheries (1951)- closure line- below them it is internal waters; where the country says all through the creation of the rule we have objected to the closure line; It is not very often to have successive persistent objector; The size of territorial seas is 3 to 12 miles from the coast and within that distance the state can use all legislation applicable to its territory/ state; You have to break the rule as you change it; How can you change customary law?- you can only change it when you start violating the law; (latin for out of a violation of law no law can be created; )