Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Price Discrimination, European Union Competition Law, General Idea

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

General idea of paragraph: exception to the provision of paragraph 1 everything is illegal however if those conditions are respected it is allowed. Some agreements that may be considered as distorting competition, can be justified under paragraph 3. Agreements that have as their object the restriction of competition. Hardcore restrictions are illegal per se (presumption of illegality) Not checking whether they have the effect of restricting competition. Hardcore restrictions: price-fixing/ cartels, market sharing, price discrimination, limiting production, tying agreements. If so no need for further economic analysis object or effect . Example: agreement with another economic operator to only sell in one specific part of the. Eu market and the other one takes the other part. ~ how is the assessment of having the effect of restricting competition done: by applying the rule of reason (us anti-trust concept) ~ does not really work in eu.