Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Montesquieu, Direct Democracy, Parliamentary System

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

State power law and state: - state creates most of the law and is regulated by it. Legal certainty, legal norms const. law: - regulates the state (organisation of sate) Laid down in a central written document. Case- law, (common law) = courts interpret meaning of rules. Established = states source of sovereignty or authority to rule. Constrained = way in which state power is limited (separation of powers) Democratized = how state power is controlled by its people: state power established sovereignty: - state is an organiz. that controls certain territory and the people thereof. State controls law and order inside its own borders and defends itself against the outside world internal sovereignty: - authority in a particular territory. Where the power of the state originates. Superiors act on the basis of regulations (basis of law officials) Ultimate superior state authority traces its own power to rule. The people authority within the state lies with the people.