Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Psychological Testing, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Procedural Law

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Issue: - has to be of a legal character. Decide matters, third person/ institution is needed (only if parties cant solve it themselves) Parties need to find a solution of their own. Some general principles are necessary safeguards for a judiciary (rely on the rule of law) General principles can be found in legal instruments (vary from intern. law and treaties to national const. ) Relate to characteristics of the court system. Are considered essential for the proper adm. of justice under the rule of law principles: 1. judicial independence judicial impartiality. Leaving appointment to executive = powerful to influence policy of courts. Uk: courts can take measures against this (immediate arrest) Hr treaties stipulate tribunals to be independent and impartial (objective) Courts are not allowed to favour one of the parties in any way recruitment: - judged should be carefully selected and schooled (danger: can act unprofessional)