Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: International Law Commission, Nagymaros, Legal Fiction

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The development of the international law commission"s articles on state. International organisations vary considerably with respect to: their degree of international personality, powers and functions, relations with their members, decision-making procedures, many international organisations have objected to the idea that an overarching regime can accommodate these disparities. Core principles of international responsibility: core principles of international responsibility are a general character and application, by agreement, they may be modified, derogated from or otherwise excluded trough sex specialis, art. 2 arsiwa: every international wrongful act of a state entails responsibility: international wrongful act: conduct, consisting of an action or omission that. Is a breach of an international obligation of that state: recognized in judicial and arbitral decisions as customary international law, omission! Attribution: state: collective actor with no discernible psyche or state of mind , legal fiction, it necessarily acts through its organs or agents, signing a treaty.