Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Aircraft Hijacking, Jus Gentium, Habitual Residence

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

International law doctrine easily overlook the basic reality that states remain composed of individual human beings organised into a political community: raison d" tre of sovereignty and jurisdiction is the organisation of the conduct of those human beings. 20 teu: a national of any member state is also a citizen of the european union: they enjoy a number of tights across all members. States: freedom of move, work and reside freely in any member state, right to vote in and run as a candidate in local or european elections, obligations, examples, jury service, payment of taxes. Illegal immigration or the trafficking of human persons: attacks on diplomatic personnel located abroad, they are all closely linked to state functions. Attorney-general of the government of israel v eichmann (1961), district. Court of jerusalem: eichmann case, eichmann german national, former head of the jewish office of the german. It constituted an excess on the exercise of the jurisdiction.