Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Peremptory Norm, Erga Omnes

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The international law commission and the study of peremptory norms. It is well respected by states in how it considers and engages with international law: method with state practice as central. Obligation to prosecute of extradite (belgium v senegal), icj. Icj, obligation to prosecute or extradite: belgium, senegal has breached its obligation under the convention against torture in failing to prosecute or extradite chad"s former president. Non-derogability, and the nullity of a treaty in conflict with ius cogens: non-derogable, art. It may only be superseded by a new ius cogens norm. Universal scope of application of norms of ius cogens: universal applicaliblity as a rule of general international law, art. 53 vclt: it distinguishes norms of ius cogens from, treaties require ratification of a state, customary international law it does not apply to states that have persistently objected them, facet of non-derogability. Non-recognition of breaches of norms of ius cogens: serious breach of peremptory norms, art.