Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: European Court Of Human Rights, Judicial Interpretation, United Nations Convention On The Law Of The Sea

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Icj, namibia advisory opinion: abstentions by a permanent member of the security council was a concurring vote and non a veto: judicial interpretation, ecthr has claimed the role of authoritative interpreter of the echr. Icj was not attributes the power to interpret the un charter: but it has declared that a capability to interpret the charter cannot be excluded from the normal exercise of its judicial power. It may receive requests of advisory opinions from the un principal organs and un specialized agencies on questions falling within the scope of their competence: it includes the interpretation of their constituent instrument. Internal workings of the organisation: establish rules of procedure, staff regulations, establish subsidiary organs, crucial in determining how the organization will in fact discharge its functions to its members. Ultra vires decisions of international organisations: ultra vires decision: decision that exceeds the scope of its functions, declared subsequently by a judicial institution.