Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Natural Monopoly, Market Power, Vertical Integration

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17 Jul 2020

Document Summary

102: implementation, regulation 1/2003, commission notice on the definition of relevant market, commission guidelines on the effect on trade, characteristics, focuses on conduct of undertakings, ex post, no" deadlines, full review by cjeu. It prohibits: one or more undertakings, to abuse, a dominant position, they hold on the internal market or a substantial part thereof, in so far as it may affect trade between ms"s. Cumulative criteria dominance, in itself no violation: one undertaking/collective dominance. One undertaking (in principle = 101 tfeu: but: single economic entity theory is not applicable (gt link, + undertakings may exceptionally be shielded via art. Collective dominance (very high threshold) (airtours: market transparency, existence of credible retaliatory measures. Inability of competitors and consumers to jeopardize the expected advantages of the common policy: abuse, no definition in art. Increase the price: commercial power, hurt competitors, market share.