Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Legal Guardian, Canadian Medical Association, Special Relationship

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1 Oct 2020

Document Summary

Doctor has to help patient in waiting room, not random car accident. Good samaritan act = no liability if voluntary provide treatment in emergency, unless grossly negligent. Doctors = ethical, professional obligations to help. Canadian medical association = code of ethics. College of physicians surgeons = ethical breach, failure to maintain standards of practice = reprimand, suspend, revoke licence. No duty to treat, don"t have to accept every patient, allowed to refuse. Allowed to select only speci c patients (expertise, interests). Can limit services (religious, ethical) = have to refer patient timely manner. Don"t have to provide whatever treatments patient demands (ineffective, futile, not accepted standards of practice, hostile behaviour). Liable in negligence = if fail to refer patient who needs more. Not fault if rural community (no specialists/ resources, long waiting times) Reasonable steps to refer = not liable. Unless special relationship and patient foreseeable endangers themselves/ someone else. Shackleton v. knittle = schizophrenic crashed ambulance.