Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Roman Republic, Plebs, Dominate

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The roman kingdom/republic/empire: a kingdom that lasted from 753 bc to 476 ad = 1229 years, roman law had a great influence upon the civil law systems of europe, nicolas - a text book. Empire period: principals period 27 bc to 284 ad - this period still had vestiges of the republican system, dominate period - 284 to 476 ad in this period the emperor"s word was law. Sources of romans law - romans republic 509 bc - 27 bc: roman society was hierarchical. Performed the executive function: constitution developed by degrees, centred on the principles of a separation of powers and checks and balances, public offices were limited to one year. Ius civile: statues (as drafted by the assembly) and older customs (e. g. the twelve tables), only for the roman citizens. Ius honorarium: developed by the praetors, praetor"s edicts, new formulae and the jurist. Ius gentium: the law of the people, law which applied to citizens and commoners.