Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Meeting Of The Minds, Quid Pro Quo, Socalled

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4 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The intention to create legal relations: a legally binding contract must ensure that the agreement of parties consists of an offer and a corresponding acceptance. All communication has 2 parts: a sender and a receiver. While the sender aims to convey a certain message by putting it into words, the receiver interprets the message in a certain way. Many things can prevent the intended message from being received accurately. It is not always clear what the intention of the parties is when making a contract dissensus of intention. Parties can also fall prey to a slip of the pen or the tongue or send their message to the wrong person. The law has to deal with this problem of diverging intention and declaration in various stages of the life of the contract. As a matter of legal technique, the problem of dissensus is treated differently in different jurisdictions.