Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Straits Of Corfu, Continental Shelf, Opinio Juris Sive Necessitatis

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3 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Security council decisions they are all possibly binding: 114: wording of the sc resolutions should be analysed to know whether it is binding or not, shall binding, recommendation, observation not binding. Lockerbie case: sources of international law: un obligations, 42: confirms article 103 of un charter un obligations should prevail. Lotus case: sources of international law: customary law, 26-30: time does not matter for state practice. Asylum case: columbia v peru, sources of international law: customary law, 277-278: practice could potentially constitute a local custom binding (only) on the regional states. + the frequency of an act is not enough to make it a custom. Case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against. Case concerning the arrest-warrant of 11 april 2000: belgium v democratic republic of congo. Icj: acces: unsc may provide a non-party state access to the icj (albania not a.