Kinesiology 4457A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hip Fracture, Diagnosis Code, Dementia

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Quiz 2: the influence of dementia on injury-related hospitalisations and outcomes in older adults. Dementia is associated with substantial morbidity and poorer health outcomes, including an increased risk of mortality. People with dementia have three times higher hospitalisation rates. This increased use of hospital services has a significant impact on individuals with dementia and their family and carers, as well as placing a substantial burden on the health care system. The cost of hospital care for people with dementia was estimated to be . 9 million in. 2006 07, of which . 5 million was directly attributable to the impact of dementia. Injury has recently been shown to be the most common reason for admission to hospital for people with dementia. A recent population-based study estimated that people with dementia are more than twice as likely to be admitted to hospital with a hip fracture or head injury as people without dementia.