Kinesiology 3480A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Supplementary Motor Area, Alpha Motor Neuron, Cingulate Sulcus

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Kin 3480 movement neuroscience midterm 2. Targeted re-innervation therapy: take free nerve endings that formally controlled the arm & move them to remaining muscle groups, using motor imagery to target nerves to fire the phantom muscles, will move the prosthetic arm. Penfield didn"t believe other brain areas influence alpha motor areas. Neuroplasticity in m1 specific to a trained task. You can change how individual m1 neurons fire within a day w some practice. Contain pyramidal projections to spinal cord and cortico-cortico connects to m1. 4 main premotor areas: lateral ventral premotor area, lateral dorsal premotor area, supplementary motor area (sma, cingulate sulcus - relative recent discovery, activity not well understood, modifies direct movement in s. c. w reward & motor learning. Output to corticospinal pathway as well as m1 projections. Projections terminate on distal hand & finger musculature. Sequence specific (some neurons fire only in relation to a specific movement sequence)