Kinesiology 3457A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Temporal Lobe, Procedural Memory, Motor Learning

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If the number of errors decreases, the learning is increasing: ex. Juggling: at the beginning you drop a ball every second. Like a mental map: we know that declarative memories rely on the hippocampus and temporal lobe, case study of h. m, had parts of temporal lobe and hippocampus removed. Star tracing task: tracked the ability for him to do a mirror tracing task. Quiz 4 prep: by day 3 he was making almost no errors. Showed that we can still form procedural memories without the hippocampus and temporal lobe: describe/compare the different types of practice schedules, massed learning vs, distributive, massed. Long content heavy sittings: distributive learning, you break studying into smaller chunks with either longer breaks or more frequent breaks, better, prevent mental fatigue. Improves cognitive processing: blocked vs. random, blocked, you study one topic at a single time, different tasks are done separately, random, you practice the skills in a random order, better.