[Kinesiology 3339A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 42 pages long Study Guide!

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Effect: peak power during repeat 10 second efforts decreased significantly. In condition where individuals increased creatine stores, is converted into creatine phosphate and then atp as an energy source, worked at higher peak power for longer. More creatine enables you to work harder and longer, this increase is responsible for increasing performance. 8% difference in two groups that is statistically significant. Creatine also increases muscle size and body mass (1-2kg) over the first few days due to increases in intracellular water. When creatine is taken up, so is water, the gain is due to water if the first weeks depending on how much creatine you consume. Chronic regular creatine ingestion and training enhances muscle growth relative to training alone. This is know as the super-training effect where you can train harder and/or due to an anabolic effect of creatine. If take creatine, can exercise harder, you can get a greater adaptation over time.