Kinesiology 2298A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: James Naismith, Brand Equity, Canada A National Rugby Union Team

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Stakeholder approach: based on the premise that several groups, entities and other organizations have an interest in the focal organizations. Competing values approach: combines elements of all traditional effectiveness approach by focusing on the value dimensions of focus and structure. Goal based approach: focused on out outputs (winning game, teaching sport skills to students, etc. ) Internal process based approach: taking inputs and making them outputs. A consumers ability to correctly identify a given product or services by viewing the logo --> brand recognition. Formally communicated rules that govern behaviour of group members --> explicit norms. The value of a given brand in the commercial marked place derived from consumer perceptions of a sport organization"s product or service --> brand equity. Spalding produced a wide range of __manuals or rulebooks__ to educate the masses about various sports and advertise his products. Spalding produced the first __basketball__ for james naismith. Spalding established two distribution centers --> new york and chicago.