Kinesiology 2276F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Pspp, Logical Volume Management, Guided Imagery

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Determine if individuals types of self-efficacy can be targeted with imagery: results imagery -> self-efficacy -> behaviours true for 1) challenging or 2) new behaviours. Scheduling se: intervention imagery group imagery sessions for 1 week before exercise. Control group information about healthy nutrition. 55-65% hrr: results imagery intervention leads to behavioural changes. Specific imagery leads to improving specific self-efficacy. General flattening out of the curves by week 6-12. Hrr heart rate reserve speed of heart beats per unit of time . Exercise contract: start/end date, what their goal is, how they are going to attain goal, rewards. Smart goals: specific, measureable, adjustable, realistic, time-based. Self-monitor one"s level of exercise intensity to prevent overexertion . Use data to evaluate progress towards goal: failure to resume regular exercise after lapses in activity. Abstinence violation effect: lapse causes the exerciser to abandon entire exercise program. Relapse prevention: identify thoughts, feelings and situations that will cause a lapse, change your cognitions about relapse.