Kinesiology 2241A/B Midterm: Midterm 1 -Biomechanics 12

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Common training targets: 1) muscular strength: amount of force generated by a muscle. Some people have more fibers than others, increasing their strength 2) muscular. Power: force of the muscle x the velocity in which it moves 3) local muscular. Endurance: repeated contractions, or the ability to hold a tension 4) cardiovascular. Endurance: degree to which the heart, vascular system, and respiratory system can provide adequate oxygen to the muscles 5) flexibility: range of motion associated with limbs * fitness is very specific to the sport player. Ex: if the body is trained by the alyptical, one will be better at the alyptical compared to actual running. Neural adaptation influences in training: - when strength training, you do not increase the number of muscle fibers, but instead you increase the blood flow, neuron firing capabilities, and size of muscle fibers - therefore, strength training leading to neural.