Kinesiology 2236A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 98 pages long!)

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Internal risk factor predisposes an athlete to injury age, sex, body composition, physical fitness, anatomy, skill level: external risk factors sport they play, how much contact, environment, how effective equipment is. Both of these make athlete susceptible to injury. Inciting event playing situation, player/opponent behaviour, gross and detailed biomechanical description, it happens because of injury, hits someone with a stick. Injury prevention: minimize activity related to injury. Need this ratio to be in balance, make is as beneficial as possible and decrease risk. If risk is higher than benefit, stop playing. Prevention means the same think as primary. I(cid:374)ju(cid:396)(cid:455) does(cid:374)"t happe(cid:374: athlete (technique, neuromuscular function, condition, surroundings (floor/surface friction, rules, equipment (show friction, protective properties) Things used to protect an athlete if or should a potential injurious situation happens. Something used to protect athlete once accident happened. Situation happens but not hurt as you have protection matters. Release bindings, helmet technology, shin pads, taping or bracing.