Kinesiology 2236A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vanier Cup, Falsifiability, Scientific Method

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Authority what someone told us (doctor, professor) Empiricism: the practice of relying on observation and experiment, especially in the natural sciences, use of objective (unbiased) observations to answer a question. Scientific methods: research question, hypothesis, equipment, analysis/interpretation, communication. Steps: develop the problem (define and delimit it, formulate hypothesis, gather data, analyze and interpret results, communicate results. Based on curiosity, observations, previous work, gaps in the literature. Al(cid:449)a(cid:455)s (cid:271)uildi(cid:374)g o(cid:374) p(cid:396)e(cid:448)ious (cid:396)esea(cid:396)(cid:272)h a(cid:374)d (cid:272)o(cid:373)i(cid:374)g up (cid:449)ith (cid:374)e(cid:449) ideas (cid:271)ased o(cid:374) (cid:449)hat"s (cid:271)ee(cid:374) done before. How do you know what"s already been done before: read the literature thoroughly to know what"s been done before, find the gaps in literature, be aware, do research. Question should be specific, testable and falsifiable: good scientific ideas are testable - they can be supported or they can be falsified by data. Capable of being shown to be false when testing using scientific method. Any hypothesis must be disprovable falsifiable.