Kinesiology 2236A/B Final: Final Exam Notes

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Inciting events can possibly cause injury: playing situation, player/opponent behaviour, gross biomechanical description (whole body, detailed biomechanical description (joint) Injury prevention: one of the most important roles is to minimize activity related injury. Improve benefits: risk ratio: when the risk gets higher than the benefit people will stop doing it, ex: football and concussions so people are playing less, can be characterized by being, primary, secondary, tertiary. Secondary prevention: can be defined as things to protect the athlete should a potentially injurious situation arise, 2 people are going to run into each other so how can we prevent them from getting hurt. Tertiary prevention: focus on reducing the consequences of injury, situation has happened and injury has occurred, so how can we help recover. Kin 2236b notes: after the event, may include things like emergency medical coverage, first aid equipment and rehabilitation.