Kinesiology 2236A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Polymyxin B, Hematoma, Bursitis

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Soap = subjective + objective + analysis/assessment + plan/program. Subjective objective arom prom resisted testing neuro/sensational special tests palpation. Expression, obvious deformity or asymmetry, posture, swelling/red/hot (potential itis injury), quality of movement (speed, smoothness, amount) Hx: pain, numbness/tingling, nausea, symptoms, what happened, moi, how does it feel, previous injuries. Selective tissue tension = apply tension to a specific structure to reproduce pain, therefore, identify and locate the injured structure) Inert ligaments, bursa, capsules, fascia, nerve roots, dura mater. Increase tension in one direction only (active or passive doesn"t matter, direction matters) no activity in resisted testing: contractile muscles, tendons, tenoperiosteal insertion. Increase tension when contractile tissue is in stretch or contraction. Active in one direction passive in opposite direction. Active (gives us idea about rom and willingness to move: contraction of agonist. Passive (patient relaxes and trainer moves them important is end rom, pain prior to end range is suspected inflammation, can assess *end feel)