Kinesiology 2230A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vo2 Max, Hexokinase, Monoglyceride

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Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. Power/duration curve (2 graphs: atp-pcr: high power, short duration, anaerobic glycolysis: still high power, 1-100 seconds, aerobic: half power, from 100-100,000 seconds, slowly lowers. Note: correlation between speed at which energy is obtained and the number of reactions. Energy: the potential to do work, measured in kcals or joules, 1 kcal = 4. 2 joules. 1 kcal raises 1kg of water 1 degree celsius at 15 degrees. Humans inefficient, lose 80% of e as heat, maintains 37 degree body temp. All our e sources are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen: fat (mostly subcutaneous, cho"s (primary source, stored in muscle or liver, protein (obtain nitrogen) We store cho"s as glycogen (h bound by h2o), 2000 kcals in the muscle gives 2-3 hours work. Looking at volume, fat is denser so we store more e as fat. 1 cup almonds gives 500 kcals mostly from fat. 1 cup of shredded wheat gives 80 kcals.