Kinesiology 2230A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Myoglobin, Osteoporosis, Vital Capacity

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Slow oxidative (so)/slow twitch (st) allow contractile characteristics. Fast oxidative glycolytic (fog)/iia fast twitch, regenerate e aerobically. Fast glycolytic (fg)/iib fastest, require atp/pcr or anaerobic glycolysis for e. very few mitochondria, low aerobic e regeneration. Smooth involuntary control for blood vessels and organs. Epimysium, cartilaginous tissue (high in collagen), around whole muscle. The connective tissues attach to bone allowing force transfer. Titin associated with myosin filaments, provides elasticity. Z-lines are anchor points to help transfer e. the m-line is also an anchor point, proteins interwoven with the myosin itself. Myosin heads are the link between actin and myosin. Tropomyosin ropes, circle around the actin, the area below troponin proteins is where the myosin heads bind. Muscular dystrophy reduction of muscle function because the actin filaments require a link to the cell membrane and the muscle fiber to transfer force. Dystrophin is the link but it unravels, severing the link. Filaments still shorten but the muscle doesn"t contract.