Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Shoulder Joint, Connective Tissue, Thoracic Cavity

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Temporalmandibular joint: depression and elevation of the jaw, slight medial and lateral movement and slight rotation. Shoulder joint: flexion, extension, hyperextension (continuation of extension beyond the normal range of motion), medial rotation, lateral rotation and circumduction of the arm. Elbow joint: flexion and extension of the forearm. Hip joint: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial rotation, lateral rotation and circumduction of the thigh. Knee joint: flexion, extension, slight medial and lateral rotation of the leg in the leg. Ankle joint: dorsiflexion and plantar flexion (plantar = pointing the toes) Discuss terms used to define directions, locations, regions, planes of reference: for the joints identify which joints is superior and inferior, lateral and medial, distal and proximal. Elbow joint is more distal than the shoulder joint. Hip joint is more proximal than the knee joint. The ankle joint is more distal than the knee joint: identify the major organs that lie within the different regions of the body mentioned in class.