Kinesiology 2222A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 85 pages long!)

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Glenohumeral joint summary (shoulder: most mobile joint in body, sacrifices stability for mobility but often injured, little stability from bony surfaces and ligaments, majority of stability comes from muscles/tendons of rotator cuff muscles. Elbow joint summary: highly stable due to bony articulations, strong collateral ligaments, specialized annular ligament at the proximal radioulnar joint functions to allow head of radius to pronate and supinate. Hip joint summary: most stable joint in body, highly congruent bony anatomy due to deep acetabulum, zona orbicularis forms collar to prevent femoral head dislocation, ligament of head of femur doesn"t provide structural support carries artery. Ankle joint summary: mobile joint, stable in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, less stable in inversion and eversion (sub-talar joint, medial (deltoid) ligaments are very strong, lateral ligaments weaker, atfl most likely to be damaged. Terms of direction/position: superior: higher up on the body. Ipsilateral: same side of body: contralateral: opposite sides of body, superficial: closer to surface/skin, deep: closer to organs.