Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Splenius Capitis Muscle, Nuchal Ligament, Longissimus

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Anatomy - muscles of the neck, spine and trunk. Muscles of the head that move the tongue and assist in mastication and. Styloglossus: originates from the styloid process and inserts on the undersurface and side of the tongue. It elevates the tongue and draws it posteriorly. Palatoglossus: originates on the palatine bone and inserts on the side of the tongue. It elevates posterior portion of tongue and draws the soft palate down on the tongue. Genioglossus: originates on the mandible and inserts on undersurface of tongue and the hyoid bone. It depresses the tongue and thrusts it anteriorly. Hyoglossus: originates from the greater horn and body of the hyoid and inserts onto the side of the tongue. It depresses the tongue and draws down its sides. Muscles of the anterior neck that assist in deglutition and speech. Digastric: anterior belly originates from the inner side of the inferior border of mandible and the posterior belly originates from the temporal bone.