Kinesiology 2222A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Rectus Abdominis Muscle, Cervical Vertebrae, Hyoid Bone

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Epicranius tendon in between the 2 bellies. Attaches to the fascia around the mouth. Function is to draw the corners of the lips inwards. Draws down the corner of the lips. Attaches to the skin of the neck. Function is to draw mandible and jaw backwards. Parotid gland is the salivary gland that secretes juices into the mouth, if swollen will create ball"s palsy where the nerve cannot innervate fascial expressions. Attaches to the coronoid process on the. Trigeminal nerve (cn v-iii) 3rd branch of 5th cn mandible, goes underneath the zygomatic process. Attaches to zygomatic arch to the angle of the mandible/corner of the jaw. Function is to move mandible up and down. Function is to move mandible from side to side to keep food inside. Muscle *for finer movements, not as strong as the masseter. Attach from pterygoid plate to the temporal mandibular joint (tmj) Function is to move the jaw from side to side.