[Kinesiology 1080A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 70 pages long Study Guide!

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Final exam start still talking about 3 stage model. Look at a target, prosaccade usually stimulus driven, mediated by superior colliculus. Prosaccade is the most well practiced task for humans, we do it over 150,000 times a day. Antisaccade = look away from a target, a new symmetrical response, look in an opposite field than the target. Antisaccade is a complex task for humans and monkeys to perform, naturally we want to do a prosaccade. Antisaccades involve a 2 component process: response suppression (inhibit prosaccade, visual vector inversion (have to figure out where the target would be in near symmetrical space) 2. gap paradigm fixation cross is on, gets turned on, then target comes on, because of the gab you get a decrease in fixation neuron excitation, don"t inhibit a saccade. Red = gap reaction times are shorter, reason is due to fixation neurons not firing during gap period, can excite a saccade much quicker.