Kinesiology 1070A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Learned Helplessness

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Adaptive: maintenance of effective strategies or development of new strategies under difficult/adverse situations. Maladaptive: deterioration of current strategies or a failure to develop new strategies under difficult/adverse situations. Adaptive: challenge seeking and high persistence in the face of obstacles and failures (embrace challenges, courage) Maladaptive: challenge avoidance and low persistence in the face of obstacles (avoid challenges, low courage) Adaptive: pride and satisfaction in terms of degree of effort exerted in both successful and unsuccessful situations (happy with effort put in during both successful and unsuccessful results) Maladaptive: pride and satisfaction only from ability exhibited in successful conditions; failure conditions signify low ability and yield little pride and satisfaction (only happy with effort when result is successful; failure means you aren"t good enough) Dweck"s (1986) and nicholl"s (1984) goal-orientation process involves comparing entity theory with incremental theory, and how each theory relates to one"s learned helplessness.