Kinesiology 1070A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Multiple Dispatch, Psychophysiology

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Case study: intervention for competitive anxiety & sport performance. Study: self regulation training, state anxiety, and sport performance: a psychophysiological case study. Considerable research attention has been given to assess the impact of specific intervention strategies on modifying emotions and improving subsequent sport performance (effects of this on state anxiety, and how coping with this anxiety can help with performance) Case studies allow you to focus on one individual (applied relevance); in depth analysis on how variables are related to one another; potentially more informative and less expensive. Participant was a 20 year old male small-bore shooter (rated state-anxiety (both cognitive and somatic) as his worst mental skill) Used 5 different methods to determine state anxiety levels (self report, emg (muscle contraction), ecg (heart contraction), Performance was measured by accuracy of bullet hole from centre of target. Preliminary destress session, baseline anxiety measured during real competition, intervention was a self-regulation program for 6 weeks (breathing, stretching, muscle relaxation, etc. )