Health Sciences 3801A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Explained Variation, Null Hypothesis, Standard Error

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* if numerator is larger than the denominator = larger value. * if numerator is smaller than denominator = smaller value. Simple experiment involves collect 2 sets of scores, each set obtained under a different condition: between groups design. Assessing one group under one condition and the second under the other condition. Mean score is canclutaed for each group and the difference bw the means is an estimate of the size of the true effect. Total number of participants is twice the number of participants in each group. Df = (n-2: degrees of freedom is used to nd the appropriate value for tcritical, repeated measures. Involves assessing each participant under both conditions. Mean difference is an estimate of the size of the true effect. Total number of participants is the same as the number of participants in each condition. Have more power than between groups (testing subjects multiple times)