Health Sciences 3704A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Population Ageing, Fiscal Sustainability, Demographic Transition

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Document Summary

Policies to modify and ameliorate the course of population aging itself: underdeveloped and contentious, problems here just beginning to emerge, belief that government can do little to modify this. Policies concerned with the welfare of older people: compromises and uncertainties, funding constraints and changes in societies, vary in meaning and currency because there is no agreed long-term goals. Outcomes of active aging: fewer premature deaths, fewer disabilities, greater prevalence of positive quality of life, higher participation in family, community, cultural, economic and political life, lower costs related to medical treatment and care services. Promote the benefits of an age-diverse labour force with a focus on potential, skills and ability, not age. Opposes ageism and the negative perceptions and behaviours that contribute to age-based social inequality, social exclusion and undervaluation of the present and potential contributions of older people. Recognition of older persons" rights as well as their needs, preferences and capacities.