Health Sciences 3400A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus, X-Ray

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Symptoms similar to viral illnesses including the flu (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) Spreads through close contact, direct contact with bodily fluids and respiratory secretions (phlegm) Not contagious until you show symptoms diagnosis is hard because so similar to the flu. Officially is early clinical signs + fever + chest x ray. Email list early warning system describes sars. Doctor who treats those patients goes to hong kong, infects hotel guests including a canadian. Canadian goes to toronto and becomes canadian index case. Canadian index case dies, transmitted to family member, hospital outbreak. When the first wave died down they loosened protocol and safeguards, which led to the second wave. Who travel advisory when the gov restricts a person to a location due to that individual having or being exposed to a contagious disease. Purpose is to reduce spread of disease. Authorizesquarantine officials to implement control measures to prevent spread orintroduction of disease.