Health Sciences 3400A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canada Health Transfer, Canada Health Act, Territorial Formula Financing

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Document Summary

1966: medical care act - cost-sharing medical services for doctors. Provinces get more flexibility and can make their own budget. Tried to cut back on funding and cap spending, reduced cash transfers to provs. Expenditures still grew due to inflation but more slowly. Giving provinces one big chunk of money and letting them distribute to the departments. Increase in spending: paying doctors more but not increase in services/treatments. Public sector responsible for 70% of total health expenditures (228 billion, 6300 per taxpayer) Half of the us per person but still high compared to other countries. Hospitals 30%, drugs 16%, physician services 15% Mostly from federal and provincial taxes (2/3 of funding) Out of pocket payments (vision, drugs, dental, cam) Private health insurance (from employment, only non-medically necessary) Social insurance (worker"s compensation, existed before medicare, paid through employer contributions) Federal level: canada health act requires 5 conditions (upcap) to provide fiscal transfers.