Health Sciences 3300A/B Midterm: Nervous system

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Anatomical organization: central nervous system: brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system: cranial nerves, spinal nerves, ganglia, enteric plexus in small intestine, sensory response in skin. Organization of the nervous system: cells > neural circuits > neural systems. Neural circuit: functional entity of interconnected neurons that is able to regulate its own activity using a feedback loop. Afferent: sensory that carry nerve impulses from sensory stimuli towards cns and brain. Efferent: motor that carry impulses away from cns and towards muscle to create movement. Cells of the nervous system: neurons. Synapses: structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal. Targets effector cells: glia; connective tissue of nervous system, consisting of several diff types of cells associated with neurons. Primary target for synaptic input from other neurons. Conducts signals towards the cell body: hillock: point of departure of axon, axon: read out conveyed, ends in a synapse, axon termal. Accumulation of neurotransmitters, releases molecules to effector organ.