[Health Sciences 3300A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (119 pages long!)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 3 3 0 0 a / b. Tophat: inability to detect proprioceptive info would suggest damage to the: Most cells of the body are affected by hormones. Exocrine non hormonal secretion transported through ducts to membrane surface of cells. Endocrine duct-less secrete specific chemicals released into surrounding tissue fluid rich vascular and lymphatic drainage specific target organs. * in the picture, everything that is capitalized is endocrine. Boxed in words are pure endocrine organs (cid:0) their sole purpose is to secrete hormones. Amino acid based hormones derived from amino acids. Molecular size varies greatly from amino acids to proteins. Exert signaling effects on target cells upon binding receptors on surface of cells. Only gonadal and adrenocortical hormones are steroids. Examples: stimulates protein synthesis, activates/ deactivates enzymes, induces secretory activity, stimulates mitosis. Hormones display specificity due to receptors molecular triggers.