[Health Sciences 3290A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (48 pages long!)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 3 2 9 0 a / b. Ambient air pollution is responsible for 3. 7 million deaths worldwide per year. The majority of those deaths are in low and middle income countries (88%). It has a high effect on cardiovascular effects. Individual actions are not going to be enough, we need stronger regulatory processes. 19% of all cancers can be traced back to environmental factors, resulting in 1. 3 million deaths per year. 180000 deaths were cause by outdoor air pollution, main sources are outdoor air pollution and pollution caused by cooking and heating and second hand smoke. We already have who air quality guidelines so we have a global standard for threshold pollution levels, that does not mean they are followed or enforced but they are established. Mercury can have negative effects on nervous digestive system and eyes etc.