Health Sciences 2801A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Factor Analysis

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Document Summary

Natural numbers counting numbers that consists of the numbers 1,2,3, etc. Whole numbers the same as natural numbers, but include zero. Integers include whole numbers, zero, and the negative counterparts to those natural numbers. Number used to count things or a point on a linear continuum (number line). Real number either a rational or irrational number. Rational numbers written as a ration of two integers, begins to repeat a pattern of numbers, or ends after a finite number. Irrational numbers do not repeat a sequence of digits and do not end. Construct a conceptual continuum that describes our experience of the world. Indicator a feature of the world that is used to represent a specific construct. Score serves as a measure of the construct and is a number on the continuum of real numbers. Range of convenience results from (the measurements) design to serve a particular purpose.