Health Sciences 2711A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Walkability, Psychological Resilience, Bone Remodeling

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An overview of successful aging process of optimal aging refers to age related changes that improve an individual"s functioning. R&k critique: doesn"t take into a count an individuals social context cultural norms, education, life span constraints. They only focus on the individual and this results in victim blaming and is caused by structural lag: support in hrs, successful agers more heavily represented among educated (at least college level), white. Survey of health, ageing and retirement in europe (share: looked at men and women, avg 63 years, in 13 european countries, early childhood conditions affected successful aging like parental social class and income. Self efficacy, optimism, attitudes toward aging in general, and ones own aging, resilience, physical and emotional symptoms, depression. The physical environment is an important determinant in ability to age successfully: neighborhood walkability study looked at obese participants over 66, in high walkability, participants were.